Do You Really Need a Divorce Lawyer?

When it comes to a divorce, most people wonder if a lawyer is really a necessary expense. It can be quite expensive to hire a lawyer, and while it is possible to do the necessary paperwork on your own, this isn't always the right way to proceed. Below are some possible scenarios and whether or not you're going to want to hire a divorce lawyer Katy Texas to help you.

No Assets and No Children Together

If you have no assets, prior to the marriage or purchased during the marriage, and you do not have any children together, you don't need to have a lawyer. It may be beneficial to have them look over your paperwork, but it's not a necessity.

Assets but No Children Together

If you have any asset, it's recommended that you hire a lawyer. Even if the asset was purchased before the divorce, you may want to at least consult a lawyer to determine if the asset would need to be split in the divorce.

No Assets but Children Together

If you have children together, it's highly recommended that you hire a lawyer. Child custody, support, and visitation will need to be determined through the divorce. Even if your spouse agrees with the terms for custody, support and visitation, you're going to want to have a lawyer in case they change their mind.

Assets and Children Together

In these cases, you're definitely going to want to hire a divorce lawyer. There's a great deal that will need to be negotiated and you're going to want to be represented during negotiations to ensure you get what's fair and what you want. These are often the most complicated cases.

Your case should fit in one of the above scenarios. In any of these, however, remember that your spouse may already have representation or may hire a Katy family law attorneys themself. You want to ensure you have a lawyer if they do, since you are likely not prepared to negotiate with a lawyer who has a much better understanding of the current divorce laws. By having a lawyer yourself, you will be able to level the playing field again and ensure you're able to get a fair outcome.

If you're facing a divorce, you should start looking at divorce lawyers in Katy TX as quickly as possible. In almost every scenario, you're going to want their help to ensure you have a fair outcome and have a better chance of getting what you want from the divorce. Even when it's not necessary to have a lawyer, it's usually a good idea.